
20 days!


21 days!


13 days!

i forgot to write for a while oops ignore that anways ive been focusing on school so i can get out this shithole thats half of what my blog is about. hopefully collage isnt bad. i almost admitted to my class i have a padlock around my neck and my wife has the key... (ive had it round my neck since 25th august)

23 days!

back to school ahhhh. i hate shool i cant wait to get out. fuck everyone here teachers and students!

24 days!

fuck time flys by somtimes and its already the last month of the year. my mental health has been getting better recently as well as school work and my memory because i have a girlfriend now and we have a whole backstory, but as i was saying at the first mocks i think i got about 1s and 2s in most subjects cus i didnt care about stuff ect. now im passing most actually and i got a 5 in computing which is really high for me actually.

that kind of day

you know that day where u have no idea what you have been doing but you look outside and its dark and you look at the time and its only 4pm. like how is that dark already as much as i love winter it fucks up my body clock more

day off

theres no school today so what do i do. stay wake awake all night and fuck up my sleep schedual. yay adhd body clock go brrrr. why am i so active a night

inset or insect?

last day of school for this week cus inset day. when i was younger i thought it was called insect day when bugs came into school. i love bugs, especially: moths, weevils, stick bugs, sheild bugs.moths dont have mouths therefore only live for a week. so if you have holes in your clothes its not actually moths its not actually the moth itself its the lavea.

interview? not really

i just went to my collage "interview" today. though it wasnt much of an interview just people talking to a group of people so i dont know what that was about but anyways, im at english tutoring right now and im kinda bored. i cant wait to go collage and say fuck you to all the teachers, honestly some of them are so usless at their jobs.school is useless basically